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In Store Service Fee

CAPS ARMORY Membership Program:

Yearly Membership Fee: $260.00

Membership includes the following:

Discount for Dealer Transfer fee: $98.00 (Includes State of CA DROS FEE)

Additional Firearms will be $17.00

Ammunition Transfer fee: $26.00 (Includes State Fee) 

8% off on NON-MAPP price on ALL Store items

Dealer Transfer:

Dealer Transfer Fee : $152.00 (Includes State of CA DROS FEE)

Additional firerams will be $26.00

Storage fees for Dealer Transferred Firearms Received: 
1 - 35 days = Free from the date of notification via email, SMS, or phone call (voicemail if not answered)
Each additional month thereafter is subject to $53/month storage fee

(Firearms left for more than 6 months will be considered abandoned.)

Ammunition Transfer:

Ammunition Transfer Fee: $44.00 per shipment (Includes State of CA DROS FEE)

Storage fees for Vendor Transferred Ammunition Received: 
1 - 30 days = Free
31 - 60 days = $44 additional fee
61 - 90 days = $98.00 additional fee

(Ammunition left for more than 98 days will be considered abandoned.)

Firearms Storage:

Firearms Storage fees: $53.00 per Firearm per Month

(Ask about our long term and bulk storage fee)

Firerams Cleaning Service:

Basic Pistol Cleaning: $53.00

Take apart Pistol Cleaning: $80.00

Revolver Cleaning: $53.00

Extra Dirt and Rust Removal: $71.00

Pistol Sight Work:

Installation of Pistol Sights: $80.00

Installation of 1911 sights: $80.00

Installation of Pistol Mounted Optics (does not include zeroing in): $80.00

Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Card Test:

FSC Test/Guide and Safety Card: $26.00

Fishing and Hunting License:

Price will vary depending on type of license and permit